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The Orrey Cabins of the Ariège, France (September 2024)

Shepherds cabins are found throughout the Pyrénéan mountains where herds once grazed. Whether ruined or restored, they are a delightful feature of any walk and a historic link to lost communities.

Best Walks in the Ariège: Port de Salau, Ariège, France (August 2024)

The Port de Salau has been used as a crossing point between Spain and France for centuries. The lowest col in the Ariège, it is the site of a yearly pujada when the different nationalities meet to cement their friendship.

A Walk in the Ariège – the Mine du Bulard, Ariège, France (July 2024)

The Mine du Bulard has had many names. Today it is often called the Machu Picchu du Biros for its spectacular knife edge ruins which lie under the forbidding face of the Mail de Bulard…